Friday, February 23, 2007

Editorial & Assignment Work 

This blog is published to share different examples of my commercial work. Throughout my career I have supported my Kentucky work by executing non-related assignment and commercial work. In my teaching career I have taught my students applied photographic lighting so that they might be more prepared finding employment in this very competitive field. A partial client list is below.

Click on first image to view as slideshow. _______________________________________________

Herman Melville's Home

Commissioned poster for Herman Melville's Arrowhead
Pittsfield, MA. Summer 2017

Photo of WindRose [model] for poster above.

Tom Crow, Arrowhead


Time Inc. Assignment

Assignment for Time Inc. Published April 16, 2012
Double page layout - Charles Murray, Author "Coming Apart."
Photo made in authors home - Burkittsville, Maryland


Musician Assignment

Angaleena Presley, Ten/Ten Productions
Nashville, Tenn. 2008
Photo made Lost Creek, Kentucky

Angaleena Presley, October 2008
at home in Beauty, Kentucky



Still life for Sheaffer Writing Instruments, Pittsfield, MA, 1980's

Sheaffer Mass Market Pens


International Center of Photo Workshop

Megan, Model, NYC, International Center of Photography, '08
SLA Photo Workshop

Photo by Karen Davis - Made during Shelby's ICP Workshop,
Central Park, NYC 2008


Gibson Greeting Card Calendar

Calendar Work, 1978, Gibson Greeting Card Co. Cinti. OH

Tender Thoughts - Theme


N.Y. Times

The New York Times, Week in Review, Cover story above.
"Vanessa," '07, Published April 27,'08

Below:New York Times Magazine Cover

NY Times Cover Pittsburgh, 1999


Fortune Magazine

Fortune Magazine, 1995

Fortune Magazine, 1995

Tom and Kate Chappell, founders of Tom's of Maine, Kennebunkport, Maine
on location for Fortune Magazine, 1995

General Electric

Above layout done on location for G.E. Plastics, Pittsfield, MA, at Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg Museum, Auburn, IN.1981 [photo of wheel covers by another photographer.]


Gibson Greeting Card Antique Car Calendar 

Classic Car Calendar, 1980, Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg Museum, Auburn, IN
Client: Gibson Greeting Cards, Cinti. OH


Amnesty International

Amnesty International


Deacon Plastics Machine
 Industrial Photography

Page Add as ran by Deacon Plastics, North Adams, MA, 1985
[SLA did 3 machine photos separately]

3 machines photographed by SLA, length being over 80 ft. each machine

Client: Deacon Plastics Machine



Discovery Magazine Gordon Grice, 2002


Texas Monthly

Texas Monthly Jasper, TX, 1995

Texas Monthly, Hunting Dogs, 1995

Texas Monthly, Woods Burning, 1995

Firefighter, Texas, 95

Opal, Deer Hunter, 1995

Texas Monthly


Working Woman

Working Woman, Tori Murden
First American to cross the Atlantic solo in a rowboat.
Louisville, KY, 2000
Photo of Shelby & Tori on location by Andy H.

Working Woman magazine
Cecelia Rosenberg Daniels, Lawyer

Upper Left final Polaroid, right photo as printed in magazine.

Ms Magazine

Jessica Henderson Daniel, Psychotherapist, MS Magazine



Eaton Puzzles, 1985 brochure, Account for 10 years, Pittsfield, MA
Subjects: Ice Cream, buttons, hot dogs, stamps, fudge, nuts, berries, donuts, chocolates, banana split, paper weights, stuffed spuds, prime steak, tomatoes, among others. Nationally Distributed.

Cheese Cake, cropped version, Eaton Puzzle Design

Fans, Eaton Puzzle design

Melons, Eaton Puzzle Designs

Chocolates, Eaton Puzzle Designs


Olympic's  96

Olympic's - Content Magazine, Georgia, 1996
Robert Sheet, Gold Medal, Laser Class, Brazil


GQ Magazine

GQ Rick Bragg, Author, New Orleans, LA, 2002


 Paper Magic, Boston, MA.

Original was 8x10 transparency film, still from 20 page paper product catalogue.

4x5 insert photo, Paper Magic, Boston

Paper Magic Client, Published in Newsweek

Paper Magic Client, for Betty Crocker, sell sheet


N. Y. Magazine

Sheri Valera, NY Magazine, Florida, 2004

NY Magazine, Florida, 2004


Texas Monthly

Texas Monthly, Folk Artist, 1995


Content Magazine 

Olympic's, Atlanta, 1996



ESPN Layout, 2009

ESPN - Thunder Bay Hockey Family


Fast Co.

Fast Co. - Stephen Ambrose


NY Magazine

NY Magazine - Moose Dutey - Mayor Ironton ,West Virginia, 2004


Kid's Wear

Kid's Wear - Gloucester Location

Kid's Wear

Kid's Wear



Content's magazine   Olympic's 1996
Savanna, Georgia

As published in Content's

Coaches, left, Takis Nikiforidis, Greece
Ron Van Teylingen, The Netherlands

Shelby and Creative Director of Content's Joseph Alfieris
Studying Polaroid.

Olympic Contenders


Sunday Best

New York Times - Magazine

New York Times-Introduction-"Sunday Best" -April 1999

Gladys and Arnold holding magazine- Summer 1999

NY Times, Shade viewing Polaroids

NY Times-Layout page

NY Times-Mother & Baby

NY Times, making Polaroids in church.

NY Times-Rose

NY Times-Shade

“Sunday Best,” The New York Times Magazine, Easter Sunday 1999

This assignment was executed with the enthusiastic participation of its subjects, the Appalachian mountain people of Eastern Kentucky. Technically, this was a location fashion shoot working with designed clothing inspired by the photographer Disfarmer of Herber Springs, Arkansas who lived and photographed in the 1940’s – 60’s within his native rural environment. 

The media has historically portrayed the mountain peoples of both areas as needy, poverty stricken and disadvantaged since the depression. As the photographer I saw this assignment as a way to portray my people in a new light. A non political venue that the subjects were interested. The clothing was an ideal representation of what mountain folks wear to church on Sunday’s still today. The people felt enjoyment, recognized and validated by this project as their was no association to poverty.

 These photographs and copies of the magazine itself today still grace the walls in the homes of many of the participants. One specifically, Shade Fugate now deceased had his photograph from this assignment placed in his coffin with other family photos when buried, an old Appalachian custom. This represents the highest honor for this photographer.

Shelby Lee Adams
October 2009

Selected Client list:

 Gibson Greeting Card CO. staff photographer Cinti. OH, Greeting Cards All Seasons, Calendars, Retail Displays, Table Top Displays, Brochures and Catalogue Layouts; General Electric Co. Pittsfield, MA, Plastics Division, New Products, Industrial, Location Displays, Portraits and Public Relations; Shaffer-Eaton, Pittsfield, MA, Free-lance Photography, Puzzles, Writing Instruments, Slide Presentations, Catalogues, Stationary and Product Display; Textron, Providence, RI, Gorham Silver, Glass Ware; Deacon Plastics Machine, North Adams, MA, Production and Processing Equipment; Paper Magic Group, Boston, MA and Scranton, PA, Paper Products, Greeting Cards and Brochures.

All photographs and text copyrighted - © 1978 - 2019 Shelby Lee Adams, legal action will be taken to represent the photographer, the work taken out of context, subjects and integrity of all photographic and written works, including additional photographers published and authors quoted. Permissions - send e mail request with project descriptions.